Where independent stories find their voice
OpenCinemas is dedicated to crafting authentic, untold stories through the lens of independent cinema. We celebrate the art of filmmaking, one frame at a time, bringing unique voices and visions to life.
OpenCinemas crafts captivating feature films, short films, documentaries, and music videos—each project a unique journey into storytelling and visual artistry.
Real stories that capture the essence of human experiences and the world around us.
Stories that resonate deeply, crafted with creativity and passion.
Immersive narratives that explore deep stories and rich characters.
Visual storytelling that brings music to life, creating a powerful fusion of sound and imagery.
In the pipeline
At OpenCinemas, we believe that films have the power to inspire change and create lasting impact. Founded by Anup Narayanan, our banner is dedicated to crafting creative, sustainable, ethical, and independent cinema. Our storytelling starts with the written word, prioritizing originality and giving writers the freedom to bring stories to life.